The business division EBZ Fuel Cells provides standard and customised stack and cell test rigs for performance and long-term tests as well as test rigs for electrolysis or even both SOFC and SOEC. The test rigs can be equipped with different kinds of mechanical and electrical balance of plant components like air and gas preheaters, different kinds of humidification units, reforming units, gas coolers or heat exchangers, afterburners, power electronics, sensors and fans. The following fuels can be handled and processed:
Stack tests will be performed in furnaces or thermally insulated in hotboxes.
EBZ has integrated and operated SOFC stacks from different manufacturers like Fraunhofer IKTS, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Sunfire/Staxera and SOLIDpower. Based on this experiences, EBZ can provide substantial support in the design of the test rig, stack integration and operation planning.
EBZ test rigs are certified according to the European Machinery Directive. They meet highest safety standards with independent control and safety PLCs. Up to five safety levels can be used to protect operators and test equipment.
The test rig software and database handling together with the programmable control software EBZ ProControl allows a flexible and automatic operation of EBZ’s test rigs.